

I am disgruntled. I spent way too much time attempting to isolate a fcuking trojan/malware/spyware/crapware on my computer. The end result is that 12 hours after I noticed I had a problem my computer is clean and seems to be no worse for the wear. It is actually better off now as all my definitions are updated and I have added a few new tools to my interwebs security arsenal.

How often do you scan your computer for crap? Do you make sure that your definitions are up to date without fail? Or are you one who thinks it could NEVER happen to you?


Anonymous said...

I run a deep scan once a week and minor quick scans whenever I feel the need. I have proactive inspection and host based security running so the only chance I really have is me being stupid.

my definitions are checked for on a daily basis.

I even have my mac scan for pc viruses so I don't unwittingly pass on a bad attachment.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry what language are you speaking?
My computer riwoq094uk1n 8576bg -=z/;q ]smb

there's NO problem what so ever.

Anonymous said...

I scan and clean registry about once a week. Oh. Did I say Microsoft sucks!

Anonymous said...

I'm a professional in the Information Security world. I see the damage that not only malware can have, but theft and fraud of personal and company sensitive information. That is why I rewrote company policy to be clear. Shit happens. A lot of shit happens. If not so much shit happened, perhaps we wouldn't be in a recession... Because when shit happens, it doesn't just happen to that person, it happens to the whole system in terms of stronger regulations and need for technical tools - and therefore cost of business. That cost goes to the consumer. So if you think it won't happen to you.... it already has - you've been screwed SO many times over and over you are numb from it and no longer notice... This goes SO beyond technical issues that bitheads think are so cool and brilliant college kids without a life live to code for...

Short answer. Yes, my controls on my personal PC are as good or better than my controls on my work PC. All scans are automatic and firewall setting block all. Encryption on sensitive data at rest, on selected e-mails and across every IM that supports it. I also have secondary tools which I run to clean cookies (no, not you, Cookie - LOL) from my machine. An I have a Mac. All y'all that think Macs are not "safe" are misguided. Mac OS X is just Linux with a pretty front end. Though recently it's gotten better, Linux has been hacked for years - it's older than DOS. You need tools to cover yourself, especially if you want to play around with cool toys without thinking about it... (did I say short answer? - LMAO!)

ok - I'm not a 24-hour badge (well, actually, yes, I am technically) - so, back to my weekend...