
Thursday Thirteen.

Blondie Gets Up -
Her first 20 minutes:

  1. boots up Bazinga
  2. checks text messages
  3. opens blinds to let the sunlight in
  4. feeds cats
  5. cleans up cat hurl and kitty litter
  6. makes coffee
  7. cleans last nights cat food plate
  8. sweeps floors
  9. starts laundry
  10. waters garden
  11. changes clothes because she watered herself as well
  12. vacuums carpet
  13. makes bed


Anonymous said...

oh man - you do ALL of that in 20 minutes?!?!?!

Here's what I do in my first 20 minutes.

Wake up
take a shower.


Anonymous said...

C'mon! you're not fooling me! #6 is actually #1!

Rudy said...

No, this is pretty much how it goes.

Sometimes the kittehs are more insistent than that and they prefer she feeds them not me. Well, one of them is overly finicky about who feeds them. The other will let me feed him but he will always pester blondie first.

The only time coffee moves up is if we plan on making a whole pot and have it ready the night before. Then it is hit the switch while the kittehs are being fed.

Anonymous said...


bwahahah! But yes, that is often how my mornings go. And I showered last night. How dirty can I possibly be since all I did was sleep.

~ b

Anonymous said...


Nope. That is pretty much how it goes. Cats first. Then coffee. They flip out and make a lot of noise and try to trip me otherwise. That is never good so they get fed first. I do the other few things on my way to the kitchen first thing.

~ b

Anonymous said...

Hi honey.

Yep. That is pretty much it. Plus even if you DO feed kitten he will get confused and still want me to feed him. *sigh*

~ b

Anonymous said...

Plus I usually have a cup of mocha first thing and then move on to brewed coffee. That is the hold up initially. Waiting for the water to boil.

So to recap: #6 is in it's appropriate place for this particular list. Even if I had set the coffee maker last night I would still get the first 5 done before I had a cup.

Happy Thursday Thirteen.

love and hugs,
~ blondie