


Anonymous said...

oh! You've been talking to my teen aged daughter have you?

Rudy said...


my daughter makes no secret of it, hence, I no longer pay for her service.

Anonymous said...

I used to say: "I am paying way too much money for way too many cellphones to never be able to get someone to answer their phones!"

As of last December I can no longer say that since the marrieds now have their own contract!

That being said, because of where they live in the foothills of LA, it is not uncommon for their phones to be sitting right beside them and yet the call doesn't go through. Seriously annoying. AT&T's solution for that is to put out a *cell tower* gizmo to have in house so that a person can get service. All for the low low price of $250.00. For service that you are already paying for. WTF, mate?

whoa. I ranted. maybe I will rave later. you just never know.

tee hee
~ b

Rudy said...

yeah and others can use it too and it uses your internet that you are paying for as well.

Yet, if you were a farmer in NE and they wanted to put a tower in your field, they would pay you.

Anonymous said...

I did some research earlier and others can only use it if you set it up for them to do so. And the limit is 10 cells per device. So at least the guy next door can't snag your service from you.

and yes. exactly. it is a flipping scam. bastards!

Anonymous said...


That was me again.

~ b

Anonymous said...

What's any different now with these new scams as the old ones for land lines? I found out in 1996 that my grandparents were paying for their old rotary phones since the AT&T divestiture (1984)... It's built in to the mindset of telecommunications service and support companies to implement as many scams as they can get away with.

As for me, I am cable box-less - I saved about $60/mo. and I watch my DVDs of things *I* want to watch and generally get my TV off the Internet now. Once I get a job and don't need my resume for a while, I plan to get rid of my landline too and just keep the cell phone - that will save me bundles too - and if I need to call someone and can't get service on those rare occasions, theres always Skype ;-)

Rudy said...

I am on skype all the time with my funny little honey

she is so gosh darn cute :-D

Anonymous said...

Rudy, your opinion is biased. ;-) That being said; there hasn't been a single day that we haven't gotten on the skype since you sent me Bazinga. I think it makes LDR a lot nicer. TY honey!

E, I haven't had a landline since moving out of the desert. I didn't see the point in paying $70 a month for a phone that is only used by the telemarketers.

and speaking of cell phones... I wonder where mine is. hmmm

~ b <-- off to hunt it down.