
Meal at the Manor.

Appetizer ~
Do you know where you parked your car or are you more of a wandering until you find it because you know its around here somewhere kind of person?

Soup ~
Would you ever make a deal with the devil?

Salad ~
How's it hangin?

Entrée ~
What is frustrating you?

Dessert ~
If there' s a breaking news story, do you check online for current details or do you turn on the radio or TV?

Digestif ~
What is the color of mediocrity?


blondie16 said...

Appetizer ~
Do you know where you parked your car or are you more of a wandering until you find it because you know its around here somewhere kind of person?
I always park in the same spot when I am out running errands. I do take note of where I parked if I am at an unusual place. The confusion comes into play when I am not the one doing the driving. Then I just hope that Rudy or the kid or the girl knows where the hell they left the car.

Soup ~
Would you ever make a deal with the devil?
Well now that depends. Is my X involved?

Salad ~
How's it hangin?
Last I saw it was hangin quite nicely. {What? you don't know what *it* is. tee hee}

Entrée ~
What is frustrating you?
Certain parties in my family who have decided that it is okay to friend my X and his new wifey on their PERSONAL FB page. What is THAT about?? No matter. I have taken steps and the offending parties are about to get the boot from MY FB page. Assholes.

Dessert ~
If there' s a breaking news story, do you check online for current details or do you turn on the radio or TV?
I usually do both at the same time. It is like an information race. The internet usually wins the with the best information.

Digestif ~
What is the color of mediocrity?
The colour of mediocrity is a swirl of greys and greens. One is never quite sure where one colour ends and the other begins.

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Do you know where you parked your car or are you more of a wandering until you find it because you know its around here somewhere kind of person?

Due to my OCD and the fact that I rely so heavily on my car, I always know where it is (as well as my towel :-)

Soup ~
Would you ever make a deal with the devil?

Depends on the terms ;-)

Salad ~
How's it hangin?

as well as ever ;-)

Entrée ~
What is frustrating you?

Waiting for my plane ticket confirmation for South Carolina - I am still in disbelief that they are flying me out there to meet a whole slew of people - my chances are probably pretty good to get the job, I think/hope/pray! If I do actually get it, I will be a peer to my ex-boss! :-D

Dessert ~
If there' s a breaking news story, do you check online for current details or do you turn on the radio or TV?

I got rid of cable, but even before, I would check my RSS feeds on the iPhone - or the big screen TV in the bar, whichever is more convenient at the *hic!* time ;-)

Digestif ~
What is the color of mediocrity?

a rusty grey-brown.

Rudy said...

Appetizer ~
Do you know where you parked your car or are you more of a wandering until you find it because you know its around here somewhere kind of person?

I know. The more accurate question would be do I know where I am? in relation to the car?

Soup ~
Would you ever make a deal with the devil?

um, no! She is the devil. heard it from a priest. little did I know it wasn't much of a joke.

Salad ~
How's it hangin?

quite nicely. (although, not so much when you're nearby ;-)

Entrée ~
What is frustrating you?

members of your family and the job search

Dessert ~
If there' s a breaking news story, do you check online for current details or do you turn on the radio or TV?

I check in with blondie ;-)

Digestif ~
What is the color of mediocrity?

hmmm, off white, kinda yellowish. like the paint on the walls of the building where I work

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Do you know where you parked your car or are you more of a wandering until you find it because you know its around here somewhere kind of person?
I am usually okay with the car but I have been known to hold my keys high in the air and push the alarm sound to find my car. I haev to work hard to tel;; myself where I parked so I don't forget.

Soup ~
Would you ever make a deal with the devil? mmmm probably not.

Salad ~
How's it hangin? a little too far to the right these days.

Entrée ~
What is frustrating you? Daughter and her relationship with that idiot loser boyfriend she has. argh!

Dessert ~
If there' s a breaking news story, do you check online for current details or do you turn on the radio or TV?
online because I am usually at work.

Digestif ~
What is the color of mediocrity? that sick yellowy gree brown grey mix
