
"Wear the old coat

and buy the new book."
~ Austin Phelps

I grew up being taught to love books. My momma always encouraged us to read , even as small children. Weekly trips to the library were a must and I would lug home a huge stack of books each week and bury myself in them. I look back fondly on those days. I can close my eyes and see myself engrossed in a Betsy-Tacy book, the Railway Children or my beloved Rumer Godden stories Miss Happiness and Miss Flower and Little Plum. I loved the last two books so much that I indulged myself a few years back and bought myself old copies of each.

My momma always bought us books at Christmas, a tradition I have carried on with my own children. They enjoy the books I pick especially for them. I even included Rudy in my little book buying quest this year.

My life was hit by a surprise, and not a pleasant one at that, almost 9 years ago. With the changes and stressors that accompanied the surprise I lost most of my ability to concentrate on my books. To this day I still struggle with my concentration. I have been and still am quite distressed by this. {probably doesn't help my ability to concentrate, eh?}

I have decide that this is the year I will take it back. I am going to attempt to read one book a week for this entire year. I think it will be fun to see what I can do with this. I am going to keep a list of the books I have read over on my sidebar. Maybe you will see something over there that catches your interest. I would be thrilled to have you along for the exciting journey through the books I will read over the next year.

Are you interested in joining me for 52 in 52?


Anonymous said...

I too LOVE to read. I am not a big literary reader... murder mysteries the odd non genre novel... and I easily read a book a week... always.. so I am with you!
Reading always takes you away
you pal in life and literature!

Lily on the Road said...

I LOVE reading, I can hardly wait to see your pick's...thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

I read a ton when I was younger. My folks were always complaining that I was staying up too late reading when I should be sleeping so I could get up for school.

In spite of all of that experience, I am a rather slow reader. I take my time and use my imagination.

I really can't see me reading a book a week without severely cutting into my chatting time. However, I think it is a great goal and I will join you in your literary quest.

Even though kindles do not work wirelessly up here (requires access to sprint network) I have been contemplating getting one and maybe I can use this as justification LOL


Anonymous said...

I'll join you in spirit... I have my own goal for this year and I'll stay true to mine if you stay true to yours,,, deal?

Anonymous said...


did "Let's Make a Deal" preempt our regularly scheduled programming?