
Feeling blue?

Today - January 19, 2009 - is the most depressing day in HISTORY, say experts
By Daily Mail Reporter

If you woke up feeling blue today then the chances are you are not alone. For Monday, January 19, 2009 is going to be the most depressing day in history, according to experts.

Cold weather, fading Christmas memories and broken New Year resolutions mean this period is usually miserable, but the effects of the economic downturn makes this year worse than ever.

Millions will feel so glum they will decide to stay in bed and up to a quarter of workers are expected to call in sick, research suggests. Psychologist Dr Cliff Arnall has devised a mathematical formula that pinpoints today as Blue Monday.

He says there are six depressive factors which will come together including the winter weather, Christmas credit card bills and abandoned New Year's resolutions. Fears over job security, mounting debt and the house price collapse make this year the toughest yet.

Monday is regarded as the worst day of the week with many dreading the prospect of returning to work. Dr Arnall, 43, said: 'The credit crunch means today is potentially the most depressing Blue Monday we have had.'

The former academic at Cardiff University said the best way to overcome the Monday blues was to do something fun, adding: 'People feeling depressed could put on a fun DVD, get some friends over for something to eat or call someone they've put off calling for months or years.'

Separate research by staff absence specialist FirstCare claims 22 per cent of workers are likely to call in sick today as seasonal illness hits a peak.

A spokesman said: 'Colds and flu like symptoms are often a pre-cursor to stress and depression and it is no coincidence that as the economic climate deteriorates we continue to see people with fatigue and anxiety.'

Meanwhile, William Hartson, a psychologist at Cambridge University, has devised a mathematical formula which marks today as the most likely for accidents.


Anonymous said...

It's the dirty story of a dirty man
And his clinging wife doesn't understand.
His son is working for the Daily Mail,
It's a steady job but he wants to be a paperback writer,
Paperback writer. - Beatles

Sorry - the Daily Mail, whilst being amongst the top notch British newspapers ALWAYS reminds me of this song...

THANKS FOR STICKING IT IN MY HEAD!!!!! LOL!!! (Trying to counter with Row Row Row Your Boat and even THAT does not work!!!)

Anonymous said...

top notch?! really?

that wasn't my impression

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the Sun? the Mirror?

Anonymous said...

top notch.
top drawer.
on top of that,
top dog.

I saw the sun, once.
I see a mirror on occasion.
Sometimes the sun is on my mirror and I am blinded.

Anonymous said...


Is anyone interested in discussing the article?

~ b

Anonymous said...

I think that January is just a blue month. I wouldn't pin it down to a particular day so I don't buy that. All of the things they say are true plus in northern (really northern) lands, there is the cumulative effect of the lack of sunlight. Although the days are growing longer it will take a while for the extra light to be helpful since it starts out so gradually.

The economic climate forecast will make it a more sour outlook at the beginning of this year than when the stocks were racing towards apogee but this is something that doesn't occur each and every January like the let down of holiday stress and lack of daylight affect people.


Anonymous said...

I missed this one completely. My day wasn't so much blue as it was CRAAAAZEEEEE
January - crispy cold and sunny. It's winter.