
Thanks for Your

Cal Poly Universities Float
won the Viewers Choice Award!

Have you ever been to a parade? I mean camp out over night, sit on the curb, wonder at the excitement *been to a parade*?


Anonymous said...

No I haven't, in fact, I can't say I have done those things for any event.


Anonymous said...

We camped out (not overnight) for the fireman's parade in the summer - my Dad (and later, my brother as well) were in t.

NYC on New Year's was a madhouse in Times Square - I preferred going to private parties downtown - far more interesting :-) This yea, quiet time over my buddy's place - playing eucher with the family (they're trying to turn me into a true Midwesterner :-)

Anonymous said...

I've never camped out for anything. I do love a parade though... I'll pay the money to get good seats thank you! My favourite parade is always the Santa Claus parade. Doesn't matter when it is - it's usually freezing. We would bundle up and go stand to watch and then go out somewhere after for lunch or at least a hot chocolate.

This is awesome that the CalPoly float got the votes! Bravo!
