Brought to you by
Bed, Bath and Beyond via gmail.
Manscaping tools for DAD? Now how is that good? I don't even want to think about that much less buy him something like that. Seriously. Does Bed,Bath and Beyond not know what manscaping means? Just in case they read here I think I should let them know so that I do not EVER get an email like this again.Manscaping: A term used to define male grooming below the belt.
Oh dear.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
And I need brain bleach.
OYE, this post should come with a WARNING.....
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth too....I think it had to do with the back shaver....
LMAO, Lily. This is what the subject line said in my inbox:
20% off your order including Father’s Day gifts.
Innocent enough, eh? And then I was horrified. You missed out on the best part which was an animation of a razor shaving the tree-dad. GAH!
I need more brain bleach now.
~ b
yeah not something for dad, maybe for the hubby...
so what would stubble on the back feel like.....
I'm sorry, I'm just too brain dead to comment...although I'm sure I could have a field day basing marketing idiocy and the Urban Dictionary for mutating the English language into whatever it is becoming ;-)
Between saying goodbye to everyone out here (and out in the Midwest, I mean EVERYONE), politically correctly explaining why I got let go, reiterating my itinerary over and over and explaining to people about my new job, while packing, beating up the relocation company to get shit done, selling my old stuff and getting the house together, Oh, and then last minute giving a sample for the drug test (all they found was caffein, sugar and last night's beer!)... It's been quite the zoo around here. I'm exhausted and happy and sad and excited and disappointed and...and... I'm so so so so tired of goodbyes...especially a couple of very key ones... And I need a motrin!
One more key goodbye here tomorrow, then a reunion/goodbye with a few ex-coworkers/friends in Louisville on Friday after an 8 hour drive and a reunion on Saturday with an ex-coworker from 15 years ago who lives in Charlotte after another 8 hour drive. And the zany on-and-off continuation of an extremely ambiguous relationship with my ex-girlfrined who also just happens to live in Charlotte (I swear it was not in the plan or decision process at all!)... And I start the new job first thing on Monday!
Will be strictly 3G from sometime tomorrow morning until probably Sunday...must remember iPhone charger!!!!
Sorry, I'm so verbose, cranky and downbeat tonight...
Holy Doodle, I need a motrin just reading that post....Good LUCK!
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