
Thursday Thirteen.

13 Things Blondie Is Looking Forward To.
In Alphabetical Order - Because She Likes Order.
{don't you judge her.}

  1. A trip to Alaska with the kid in six weeks. His first. My second. We get to meet Rudy's Son on this trip. Cool!
  2. Dinner with Rudy and the Creature in September. I asked the Creature today for dinner recommendations. He supplied me with quite a list. Now I have choices to consider. Not sure if this is a good thing.
  3. Drinking. Cuz I am not really lately.
  4. Marrying Rudy. *sigh* I love Rudy. He's my hero.
  5. My Roma's ripening. Last count there were 5. Finally.
  6. My next cup of coffee. Starbucks would be nice. Cinnamon Dolce Latte. mmmmm. I can even smell it now. Maybe I will go get one after the grocery tomorrow. {If I am lucky I will see the cop who gave me the effing fix it ticket last week. Course, that will only be if they still have sprinkle donuts. *rolling eyes*}
  7. Reaching my goal weight. Go Team WiiFit!
  8. Rudy finding a job in SoCal. {He is working on his resume as I type this. And applying for a job nearby on Friday. All good thoughts and prayers are gratefully accepted and appreciated}
  9. September 25, 2010. Although I am a bit nervous about being the main photographer. I hope I don't disappoint. :-/
  10. Staying at The Pemaquid. And not making too much noise and bothering the other guests. {That's what she said}
  11. Tastycakes. Butterscotch Krimpets to be exact. I told Rudy I am bringing an empty suitcase and filling it with Tastycakes. I am seriously serious about this.
  12. The little tiny airplane. NOT! It's really tiny, you guys. It freaks me out a bit. Good thing they sell booze on it. And this time the kid will be with me.
  13. Traveling with Rudy. By plane. Again with the little tiny airplane. GAH! But we have never traveled by plane together so it should be fun. Or something. I will have to get back to you on that one.


Anonymous said...

What kind of plane? One of those Regional Jets? I used to live on them :-) and prior to them were the smelly SAAB prop planes - now they make you feel a bit queezy :-O Thank God they are over a decade out of commission! LOL

Word verification: reelitin

creature from the black lagoon said...

About those dinner suggestions. I suggest obsessing.

And the Krimpets. When are you planning on being in Philadelphia. The creature grew up with Krimpets. I have known about Krimpets every single day of my life.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what kind of plane. It is a little one that doesn't hold a lot of people that will take me to the bigger airplane. Thankfully they serve booze on both.

~ b

Anonymous said...


Thanks. Let the obsessing begin.

And are you telling me you can't get TastyKakes in MA? How is that possible? I also have known about Krimpets every day of my life. I long for them. *sigh*

~ b

creature from the black lagoon said...

I can get them in MA, but they are never as fresh as the ones I get when I go to Philly

Anonymous said...

I might like tom join the dinner party with the Creature. it's not THAT far away.
I don't know what Krimpets or TastyCakes are. Doughnuts?
Good on you with the wiifit/ and the no booze rule. I need to do that. Put on two pairs of capris today from lat summer and they're both too tight. sigh... NOT a good sign.
clearly my anxiety, stress and worry have gone south... right to my thighs.
word ver not helping BIGHE