
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep.


Anonymous said...



Rudy said...

that is an awesome pic. Is it from a Christmas card? it would make an awesome Christmas card.

cute picture on the sidebar too ;-)

Anonymous said...

I likke the image too. It WOULD be a great card.
Im enjoying your menorah and advent candles lighting up the side bar too. Very festive.

TSO today. My favourite one. CRANK UP the volume.. This has to be played VERRRRRRRRRRRt loudly.
The light show they do to acommpany this piece is beyond belief. Carol of the Bells is a traditional Ukrainian carol. It's become a Christmas carol but originally it was sunsg during 12th night the day before Epiphany.

Anonymous said...

I got bells that jingle jangle jingle!.... Sorry - that's what just came to mind - and now it's stuck! so thanks! LOL!