

If you were writing a story what would it be about? Who would be the main character? Where would your story be set? What else can you tell us about your story? {Not to worry, I am not trying to steal your book ideas. tee hee}


Anonymous said...


I am wondering if anything I could say right now would be heavily influenced by the books I have been listening to on my commute.

I think it would take place in the near future. It would involve techonology but also a recovered ecology. Other than that I just don't know because I don't consider myself a writer so I haven't thought much about it.

I may come back and add more in another post.


Anonymous said...

Its already sketched out. The Make Over Murder Series... with the librarian who is also a cosmetic consultant for a home party cosemtics business. Everywhere she goes... some one is murdered. The first in the series takes place at the big splashy annual sales convention for the cosmetics company the character works for. She is privy unbeknowst to the others to a cat fight in the ladies powder room of the top two sales "queens" in the company and isn't sure what to do about it.
The character is divorced and has two children and loves her day job at the largest university libary in the country.

Watch for this cozy at a book store near you... eventually..


Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, there was a were three little pigs, the papa pig, the mama pig and the baby pig (*no!*, I did *not* call you a *pig*! LOL). They all lived in a burlap bag because they were poor, but they were happy. One day, Glenda, the hot red headed (hey! it's *my* story! LOL) good witch of the Midwest came and turned the burlap bag into a castle. And they lived happily ever after.

That's about all I can handle today ;-) I am now officially brain dead.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough my characters never seem to have a name. I probably won't change that any time soon.

As I am sure you all know I tend to write in snippets. Maybe someday I will be able to put my snippets together into some sort of organized work.

My setting of choice is always the beach. Not the beach you may picture when you read the word but rather an overcast and chilly day where the beach is mostly empty. Where my character can reflect or melt down without the hustle and bustle around them.

~ b