
That's What She Said.

What's going on with your Monday?


Anonymous said...

I am relatively happy about this monday cuz it is one of only three days of work this week.

It also means I am that much closer to kissing my funny little honey.



Anonymous said...

Manager who threw out a bombshell today. I am NOT a happy camper. Tons of work to do... two missing employees... one gone for good - one so whacked out she should be gone for good...

Several of us at my level have decided it's worth keeping a bottle of something in the drawers.

Off I go to write a note to manager and director about how their bombshell is going to affect my ability to get the job done...
mutter mutter,...

is it Friday yet?


Anonymous said...

WOW! Who'd've thought that Big Bird would EVER be THAT disgruntled!!!!!!!!!

NOW I've seen EVERYTHING!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


I hear ya... it sucks... But just remember - you could have been the one let go... Fingers crossed for us all...


Anonymous said...

thanks E.
It's gov't. She left for a new job - because of some of the specialized work we do - it will be 6 months before I can get someone. They gave me a warm body - unqualified but that's a rant for my own blog... rather! LOL
thanks for the sympathy though...

Anonymous said...

Rant away, girlfriend.

hang in there.
and pour yourself a drink.

love and hugs,
~ b