
Meal at the Manor.

Appetizer ~
Besides junk, what do you keep in your junk drawer?

Soup ~
Who is the first person in your address book?

Salad ~
What is on the top of your to-do list today?

Entrée ~
What item that you don’t currently possess would you most like to have in your home?

Dessert ~
What is the colour of forgetfulness?


Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Besides junk, what do you keep in your junk drawer? ummm more junk?

Soup ~
Who is the first person in your address book? Linda A!

Salad ~
What is on the top of your to-do list today? purchase requisitions

Entrée ~
What item that you don’t currently possess would you most like to have in your home? a big ass tv! energy star fridge and stove it's a toss up.

Dessert ~
What is the colour of forgetfulness? yellow... or blue... you know the stuff that you highlight with those special markers.


Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Besides junk, what do you kepp in your junk drawer? Pens and pencils that are mostly junk.

Soup ~
Who the first person in your address book?
I really don't know. The book is so old and so many names have been crossed out because they moved, etc. Let me see...Alvarez"s are first.

Salad ~
What is on the top of your to-do list today? Work out.

Entree ~
What item that you don't currently possess would you most like to have in your home?
An updated kitchen. 1964 is too old.

Dessert ~
What is the color of forgetfulness?

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Besides junk, what do you keep in your junk drawer?

it is the home for all things without a home such as spare nails and screws and rubber bands. but it specifically is the home of batteries, a tape measure and a small hammer.

Soup ~
Who is the first person in your address book?

Top of my favorites is blondie, alphabetically it is Rick Ackley

Salad ~
What is on the top of your to-do list today?

program a router and switch for a new office connection across town. get back to patch cycle reporting. Get beer for geek night.

Entrée ~
What item that you don’t currently possess would you most like to have in your home?

a new iMac

Dessert ~
What is the colour of forgetfulness?

various shades of gray like fog shifting and rolling over Lake Superior


blondie16 said...

Appetizer ~
Besides junk, what do you keep in your junk drawer?

apparently I keep all kinds of items in my junk drawer. battery charger, can of butane, hex keys {i bet the kid wonders where those are}Starbucks iTunes song of the week card to name a few. I think I may need to rename the junk drawer to something more appropriate such as the *I need all this crap* drawer.

Soup ~
Who is the first person in your address book?

Andrew is first in my cell addy and A.Andersen is first in my snailmail addy book.

Salad ~
What is on the top of your to-do list today?

Clean. It is also the last item on my list. How is THAT good? I am going to revise the list and put *open a bottle of wine and drink* as my last item.

Entrée ~
What item that you don’t currently possess would you most like to have in your home?

Where to begin. counter space I guess would be my #1 most like to have.

Dessert ~
What is the colour of forgetfulness?

That would be a murky grey blue with swirls of misty fog.

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Besides junk, what do you keep in your junk drawer?
Reminders of friends long gone.

Soup ~
Who is the first person in your address book?
Bob and Heidi A.

Salad ~
What is on the top of your to-do list today?
Do nothing.

Entrée ~
What item that you don’t currently possess would you most like to have in your home?

Dessert ~
What is the colour of forgetfulness?
I dunno, but it's not pink or red or black or blue or purple,,, sigh...

Anonymous said...

Anony @ comment #2,

Welcome to the Manor!

WooT! If you are here after follwing the bread crumbs I am so happy to have you here!

~ b