
Meal at the Manor.

Appetizer ~
Do you suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia?

Soup ~
Does killing time damage eternity? What do you do to kill time?

Salad ~
How many months old are you?

Entrée ~
What is something that you’ve unexpectedly enjoyed? What made you decide to try it?

Dessert ~
Is it ever too cold to eat ice cream?


Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Do you suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia? naw! For me it was porphyrophobia but I got over that one just by wearing clothes things to do with this.

Soup ~
Does killing time damage eternity? What do you do to kill time? oooh too heavy a question for Friday morning - but I play stupid games on the Meez site to get points so my avatar has nice clothes!

Salad ~
How many months old are you? only 612? does that compute right?

Entrée ~
What is something that you’ve unexpectedly enjoyed? What made you decide to try it? scrapbooking I thought I'd hate it.

Dessert ~
Is it ever too cold to eat ice cream? umm yeah! (-:


Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Do you suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia?

Now that I know what it is... no.
I scarcely give it a thought.

Soup ~
Does killing time damage eternity? What do you do to kill time?

eternity is timeless so killing time is irrelevant. Surf the webs, play games, watch tv.

Salad ~
How many months old are you?


Entrée ~
What is something that you’ve unexpectedly enjoyed? What made you decide to try it?

watching the Food Channel. Just sat beside blondie and watched a couple shows cuz she enjoyed them. I liked it a lot.

Dessert ~
Is it ever too cold to eat ice cream?

oh hells no. It is never too cold for ice cream.

Anonymous said...

Appetizer ~
Do you suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia?
No - it's just another goddam day.

Soup ~
Does killing time damage eternity? What do you do to kill time?
No. And I get bored and anxious when I have nothing to do.

Salad ~
How many months old are you?
507 on Feb 20, 2009

Entrée ~
What is something that you’ve unexpectedly enjoyed? What made you decide to try it?
Today, I'm not enjoying anything (this quiz is the possible exception).

Dessert ~
Is it ever too cold to eat ice cream?
No if you're inside. Outside, 30 degrees F is my soft limit.

blondie16 said...

Appetizer ~
Do you suffer from paraskavedekatriaphobia?

Nah. One Friday the 13th is just like the other. Although, my sister, who is a pain in my ass, was born on a Friday the 13th. Just sayin.

Soup ~
Does killing time damage eternity? What do you do to kill time?

I don't think killing time damages eternity which is good cuz I do my fair share of time killing. Now that whole time continuum....that is a whole other discussion we shall have to have some other day. tee hee!

Salad ~
How many months old are you?


Entrée ~
What is something that you’ve unexpectedly enjoyed? What made you decide to try it?

An electronic game called Catch Phrase. After Thanksgiving dinner at the son in laws house the game was brought out. Not being a real joiner I wasn't thrilled but decided to play and loved the game so much I put it on my Christmas list. I must have been good because I did indeed receive it as a gift. YaY! {honey, lets drag that out and play it when the kids are here on Sunday.}

Dessert ~
Is it ever too cold to eat ice cream?

Yes. YEs. and did I mention YES?? Rudy wants to go use his Cold Stone Creamery gift card. I say it is too cold for Ice Cream and we should get coffee instead. He now thinks we should get coffee AND ice cream. LOL! Crazy Alaskan. {love you, honey}

Anonymous said...

ack! I am the oldest in months around here... quick... find someone really old please...

Laugh about yr sis being born on Friday 13th.... double laugh!