
Purple Preseason Power.

While I was on vacay North to Alaska Rudy treated myself and our good friend Karoline to mani/pedi's. I showed my appreciation by asking Rudy to choose a purple for my toe colour. He chose Purple with a Purpose. After mani/pedi's the two of them introduced me to my first taste of Indian Food. Oh dear lord it was SO yummy. But I digress. Purple is Rudy's colour. His Minnesota Vikings Football colour. He most definitely approved of my colour choice.

Cut to my return to America {those silly Alaskans think they live in another land}. I had a ding in the polish on one of my toes. I went on a search for a purple to do a touch-up. I found one that matched almost perfectly. I also found a lovely yellow which is the other Vikings Colour. I was being quite silly and painted the nails on my left hand alternating yellow and purple. I told him I had done so to help out his team. It must have worked cuz Vikings won. Rudy commented to me after the win that I now know what I must do. I suggested that perhaps there was not enough data available to suggest that I should always paint my nails in that manner to help his team get the win.

The following week I removed the polish from my nails but left the purple on my toes. Again the Vikings won. Perhaps there was no magic in my purple and yellow fingernails but rather my solid purple toenails. I would soon be given the perfect opportunity to test my hypothesis.

Rudy's Vikings played my Cowboys tonight in a preseason game and my toes are still purple.

My Cowboys started out with an early touchdown but by halftime the score was 7 {Cowboys} to 21 {Vikings}. I immediately went to work removing the glorious purple with a purpose from my toes. I had to give my 'boys every chance possible to pull off a win. {sorry honey but they are my 'boys. ;-) }
My Cowboy's scored 28 points in the 2nd half to the Vikings 10 which gave my 'boys a 35 - 31 win. Purple truly does have a purpose. Purple toes help the Vikings win games in preseason. I had to find out, darlin. Sorry I had to sacrifice your team's win in order to prove my hypothesis. When your team isn't playing mine I will be more than happy to paint my toes purple. Anything to make my man happy. :-)

p.s. Cowboys won! Football is here! squeeeeee!{<--- that is blondie squealing in delight} Sun Devils have their opening game 9.5.09 @ 7pm. Fork 'em, Devils. {Did ya miss my insanity and enthusiasm for Football??? ;-) }


Anonymous said...

And until tonight they were unbeaten in pre-season. So paint them toes! I have more faith in your toes than bert


Anonymous said...

and we will have to check out at least one Indian restaurant near home when I am there in a couple weeks


blondie16 said...

mmmmm. Indian food. yummy. I can't wait to see you, darlin.

I will consider keeping my toes purple for you as long as it does not endanger my 'boys. What's it worth to you??{WEG}


Anonymous said...

I'll bet I am willing to pay what you're asking ;-)

I'll stamp that ticket, punch that card, lick that stamp....


Anonymous said...

That's what she said. ;-)

Lily on the Road said...

You are such a rebel, I would have never ever painted my toes purple, oh, now I need to get me some!!!!


Anonymous said...

Purple... better than BLACK! truly funny - I am waiting to hear what happens n next purple outing.
