
Wordless Wednesday.


MarieA said...

WHAT is this all about?!?!?!
do tell!

Rudy said...

and the boy campaigned hard to be the one to poke holes in you didn't he LOL

Anonymous said...

tee hee. He totally wanted to but they wouldn't let him back there. Assholes. He finally did make it back in time to see me whacked out on
Dilaudid. Dilaudid is my new best friend. Word of caution - if they ever offer you Dilaudid make sure to ask for some Zofran. Trust me on this one. Unless you just like to hurl.

They didn't find anything bad and I will do a post about it. I have lived to tell the tale.

MarieA said...

DIlaudid - the REbel had a lot of this while in hopsital before her transplant. It's got a kick to it. Every time they had to drain infections, or do something else, this is where she started. Oy! I want to know the story. Sheesh. Glad to hear you're okay!

Anonymous said...

holy doodle, what is going ON?