

You all know I hate shopping. Any kind of shopping. Thursday is my normal grocery shopping day. Today I ended up at 3 different grocery stores in order to clear my list. Ridiculous. The only saving grace is that I planned the trips in such a way that my last store would be the one with the Starbucks inside. As much as I hate shopping I do so love my coffee. But you knew that also, too.

Are you still awake? Gawd this is boring, isn't it? Ok. Moving on to the meat of the story.

On my way from store 2 to store 3 {they happen to be within walking distance of each other} I round a corner and am almost run over by a man pushing a shopping cart. He wasn't looking where he was going but rather where he had been. Seriously man, eyes front. Thanks. As I moved aside to avoid being run over he did put his eyes front. And then he looked me up and down {yes. Up and Down} and then he said - *mmmm. What a buffet*. How does one respond to something like that? I just stayed my course and answered him in my head.

*ummm. thanks? i think.*

So tell me. When was the last time YOU were looked up and down and called a buffet? Or anything close to that scenario. Or when was the last time you called someone a buffet?

#things I won't say on fb because my children are my friends


Rudy said...

I don't think I have ever been called a buffet (or anything similar)

I am pretty sure I haven't called anyone else a buffet either.

I do have to agree with him though, you are yummy and i could eat you up

It was rather a crude compliment to make out loud though, to a stranger none the less

Anonymous said...

I am oblivious to anyone when they look at me like that... And usually, any time I'm hit on doesn't register until it's way too late... I'm a bit slow in that department :-) No one has ever called me a buffet though, nor has even referred to me as Jimmy (get it?) ;-)

Lily on the Road said...

LMAO, I'm sure you did (do) look scrumptious...but seriously....how RUDE of him!!

and why was he pushing a shopping cart around, were all his personal effects in it?

MarieA said...

well... interestingly enough... this happened to me last weekend when I was at a gala event on Saturday night, all dressed up and wearing my daugther's sparkling shoes.

As I was getting a drink at the bar, someone complimented my shoes and I told them they were my daughter's. The (young)man nextto me at the bar explained "your daughter's?! " And I mentioned my younger daughter too. And then I got the once over... actualy twice over... and he shook his head, and very cutely said,"how could that be?" I mentioned how old my older daughter was, and he did the biffet thing again. ROFL.

It was fun. I appreciated it. But I'm not a cougar. yet. I had to let him go, as I was being called to do the polka in the sparkly shoes,but yet another younger man...

it was a good time.
SOmehow at the grocery store where there are no BEvERages involved , I'm not sure it'sa good thing or not...

Anonymous said...

Hey honey _ {blondie looking at Rudy} *mmmm. what a buffet!* *WEG*

E {that is you, right?}- oblivious. I can see that. LOL on the Buffett reference!

Lily - you are a dear. It was indeed rude plus his shopping cart had a couple of suitcases in it. I have NO idea what that was about.

Marie - HA! Good stories. This shoulda been on your bloggy, dear. And no. Beverages or not - it wasn't a good thing. LOL!

love ya all!
~ b