13 things I should be doing
but can't seem to find the energy
{or motivation} to do.
- put away the last of the Christmas things {there isn't much left}
- fix the wind-chimes {at least they are in the garage since the kid took them down for me last night due to the high winds and the ridiculous amount of noise they were making.}
- grind coffee to make a fresh pot {that needs to happen asap - the lack of fresh coffee could be contributing to my slackassery}
- hem my jeans {two pair to be exact. Plus there is a stack of mending that also needs doing.}
- clean through the boxes {yes, the ones in the garage. The ones that still hold all the crap I can't find}
- juice the last of the pomegranates {juiced a bunch this past weekend and made jelly. Really seriously good jelly.}
- edit some photos {I have a lot backed up but have allowed someone's comment a while back to stifle my creative energy}
- write {I read an old bloggy recently. It was interesting. I am not bad in the writing department and need to get back to it}
- take some photos {but if I take photos then I need to edit them. See #7}
- deconstruct and recycle packing boxes {there are a lot of empties in the garage. I need a bigger recycling container I think. Or to break them down more often. Or something}
- organize the cupboards in the garage {they are a jumble after the holidays due to moving things around to access other dishes}
- make a page on The Knot {I should have done this a long time ago but didn't. Rudy and I talked about it briefly last night. Once I get started it should be fun. Problem is getting started. Which you know from the title is the subject of this 13.}
- go to the grocery {I hate shopping. Of any kind. I am probably going to put it off until tomorrow morning. That should send my Friday into a lovely fit of confusion.}