My first born is 24 today. What a lovely young woman she has become. I could not possibly be more proud of who she is today and look forward to watching her life continue to unfold. Happy Birthday, my darling daughter! i love you.
Women will understand and men should probably memorize.
Every woman knows that there are days when all a man has to do is open his mouth and he takes his life in his hands. This is a handy guide that should be carried like a driver's license in the wallet of every husband, boyfriend, co-worker or significant other.
I am too old to manage an entire day on only 3 hours sleep.
My kitchen this morning is bathed in the sweet perfume of Easter Lilies.
A big black cat just walked across my front porch. He isn't ours but we call him Midnight.
This morning in under 5 minutes I paid all my bills for this month. YaY! for online bill-pay.
My brother invited the fam up to his Events Center for Easter Brunch. Yummy goodness abounded.
LDR's and major holidays do not mix well. {we are working on a solution}
Big Bang Theory is on tonight. Not a repeat. Hurry up 8 PM!
I received a bag full of Easter goodies complete with a pink foil wrapped Chocolate Easter Bunny for the first time {ever} since my momma stopped making me Easter baskets/treats.{ty, honey}
My sister seems to have removed the stick. We had good conversation while sitting at the same table for brunch. I have been invited to come watch the little ones play t-ball/baseball on Sunday. I knew she would get over her fine self eventually. I never let her insanity stress me out for very long.
I love sitting a my kitchen table and watching the bluebirds who grace my yard with their beauty.
My web cam is craptastic. Ok, maybe not quite that bad and it does work well enough for skype. When you pay under $20 for a web cam you are getting a web cam that is worth under $20. I have had complaints. LOL! I figure blurry me is better than no me. {or even better depending on how I look} HA!
I am addicted to coffee. I am sick and coffee does not sit very well. Without my coffee I am cranky and an plagued with headaches. How is this good? Have I mentioned I am addicted to coffee?