
Must See TV - errr - Youtube.

"It's okay. He has bandaids"


Anonymous said...

What? no Roman candles? Looked like a good time...

They sell fireworks all over here in big warehouses on the outskirts of town... Right over the NC/SC border, I stopped for gas and they had them IN the gas station!!!! I got gas and booked it OUTTA THERE!!! WTF?!?!?!??!

Anonymous said...

I shake my head! roll my eyes.,...
and in the day time? or was it an Alaska night? LOL!!!
so clearly, the boys are having fun?

Lily on the Road said...

It's all fun and games until some needs a bandaid! I'm with the young lady, sparklers are all I can handle!! LOL

Rudy said...

this was between 10:00 - 10:30 pm cuz we were a little concerned that it was past quiet time on a thursday evening.

They followed it up a couple days later with rockets and roman candles and bees and more firecracker shenanigans. It was a darker night (and later I suppose)

those two were cast in the same mold and girlie got into holding roman candles