
Thursday Three.

  1. Lily and E are correct. Yesterday's wordless is indeed a tomato. Roma to be exact.
  2. The boy is much improved from a week ago. TY so much for your thoughts and prayers.
  3. I am exhausted.


Rudy said...

hopefully you will get more rest now as the boy mends and can tend to himself.

Anonymous said...

1-I'm 1/2 Italian, I know a tomato when I see it ;-)
2-Glad to hear N is getting better!
3-I hear ya! I am frantic - waiting for the job offer letter to make things official so I can begin phase 1 of my Iowa bug out plan...

Anonymous said...

I was so busy perogy making I missed wordless. Tomatoes already! wow!
It's 53 degrees here and everyone is bare legged... but me. I'm still in pantihose.

Glad to hear the boy is getting better. Mono takes a loooooooong time.
Now look after yourself mom because you don't want to be next to be lying on the coach with anti biotics!
word ver dinged!