
With Gratitude.

O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.

Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!


Dear Lily ~

I hope you have a lovely day.
love and hugs,
~ blondie



  1. seriously ~
  2. share ~
  3. sheets ~
  4. she ~
  5. soul ~
  6. spiral ~
  7. star ~
  8. straw ~
  9. surprise ~
  10. sweet ~


Meal at the Manor.

Appetizer ~
What is the last food/drink you purchased at the drive through?

Soup ~
What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve?

Salad ~
Are you a giver or a taker?

Entrée ~
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right thing?

Dessert ~
If you could win a one year's supply of anything, what would it be?

Digestif ~
Where would you really like to be right this second?


Happy Birthday: Terri and Patty!

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday
and a Fabulous year!

love you!
~ blondie



  1. 4 ~
  2. a.m. ~
  3. is ~
  4. early ~
  5. even ~
  6. for ~
  7. a ~
  8. morning ~
  9. type ~
  10. person ~


Meal at the Manor.

Appetizer ~
What inanimate object would you use as a telephone if you were Maxwell Smart?

Soup ~

If you could live inside any book as a character in the story which book would it be?

Salad ~

What three things are you thankful for today?

Entrée ~
Grilled or Fried?

Dessert ~
Do you remember your dreams or tend to forget them upon waking?

Digestif ~
Do you prefer even or odd numbers? Any particular reason?


Thursday Three.

  1. Lily and E are correct. Yesterday's wordless is indeed a tomato. Roma to be exact.
  2. The boy is much improved from a week ago. TY so much for your thoughts and prayers.
  3. I am exhausted.


Wishing you a Very

with love,
~ blondie



Thursday Thirteen Presents:

This week on ER!
  1. Initial heart rate - 147 {umm. that's really fast. ugh - This morning it is 94. Still kinda high but way better than last night.}
  2. Looking in his throat -(graphic photo click at your own risk} --> that's pretty gross
  3. Doctors seen - 5
  4. Bags of fluid - 3 {3000 cc}
  5. Tests run - 2
  6. Hours spent in ER - 5.5
  7. Days sick - 9 {counting today}
  8. Visits to Urgent care prior to ER visit - 2
  9. Nurses attending - 2
  10. Number of times Blondie got lost - 2 {on her way to the cafeteria and on her way back. *sigh*}
  11. Total Drug Count:7. {ER - 3:Ibuprofen, Steroids, Pain meds. Upon departing ER - 2: Pain meds, Antiemetic. Urgent Care - 2: Antibiotics, cough meds. which btw he didn't even HAVE a cough so WTF, mate?}
  12. Highest fever run in the last 9 days 102.9
  13. Diagnosis: "So your mono stat came back negative...but we still think you have mono!" apparently the test isn't 100% accurate. :-/